
Posted in Lifestyle by Steven

Fitocracy is a work-out tracker and socializing community that is a friendly and inspiring place filled with individuals that share the same passion for fitness. Fitocracy offers a new way of experiencing your work-out. There is something for everybody! For the workers that love the feeling of leveling-up, there is a system in-place that lets you level-up as you track and finish each work-out session. For the old fashion workers that love to socialize, there are forums and groups that are available to connect, meet new people, compare, and read on tips to improve your work-out. If you’re a solo act, simply just use Fitocracy to track each work-out and your progress over the entire period of your fitness career. If you only play sports, it also counts!

It’s simple!
1. Setup profile
2. Work-out
3. Track the work-out

4. Earn points

5. Level-up

You may also want to become a Hero to encourage and inspire others! Encouragement takes people a long way!