Education Online: EdX

Posted in Lifestyle by Steven


Receiving your education online? Many feel a sense of distrust to such a thought. As time change, education will soon reshape itself; edX is one of the many changes gradually changing the educational system. EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise founded Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that features a learning environment through the web.

The platform is an open-source online learning platform that feature interactive learning designed for the web. EdX will include many features such as self-paced learning, online discussion groups, and assessment of learning as a student progresses through a course, online laboratories. Because the platform is open source, the platform will continue to improve by the community of collaborators as new features are added.


EdX offer many courses including circuits and electronics, biology, computer science and programming, and foundations of computer graphics. Currently the courses are taught by professors from the University and institute of the founding partners.  Their goal is to reach out to other universities, which will provide a larger selection of courses, subjects, and knowledge.

Many people will say, “I want to complete edX and have something that will show my efforts!” Online learns who demonstrate mastery of subjects can earn a certificate of mastery. How are the certificates issued?

“Certificates will be issued at the discretion of edX and the underlying X University that offered the course under the name of the underlying “X University” from where the course originated, i.e. HarvardX, MITx or BerkeleyX.” – edX website

EdX is an excellent tool in enhancing your furthering on a specific subject. It is simple, complete the courses as if it were a regular university course and earn a certificate on that subject. Not only you will improve your knowledge, but you will be contributing to a research on improving how education is implemented.